If you are looking for Jamie Bradburn, APRN, we can help.
We know that many of Dr. Bradburn and Nurse Bradburn’s patients from a prior clinic in Winchester had followed her to Richmond.
She is suddenly not available in Richmond, nor will be in the future.
If you are looking for something and someone familiar, it may be time to get more familiar with concierge medicine.
At Alliance, in partnership with SignatureMD, we have many families that have joined the practice. The satisfaction has been very high.
We offer same day visits, long visits, in office technology, a home like environment, and 24/7 access via phone/email/text/computer.
Our patients tell us that the subscription fee is well worth the benefits.
Those that follow remember the close, personal, caring reception that Jamie provides. And of those that followed, none have left.
We do still have room to accommodate more patients, though that space is limited.